By Joshua.O Areogun
Welcome to yet another edition of insight, a weekly write-up for teenagers and young adults for the purpose of enlightening teens on God’s plan for their lives and also to help them handle various situations they go through everyday. At insight we believe that even though kids might be the future, teens are the immediate future, so I strongly believe that teens of whatever age or class should take themselves serious. God bless you as you read.
This week we’re going to be looking at a new series; “Standing strong in a wicked and evil world”. As a Christian, you’re an ambassador of Christ and you must always remember that everywhere you go.
The world today has become a place where all sorts of sins are rampant. This has been going on for quite some time and its not going to get any better and we as Christians must realize that while we’re trying to win over the world to God we must remember to stand strong ourselves.
All we have said so far is actually easier said than done, so let’s look at some “tips” or guidelines that will help us stand strong in this wicked world.
TIP 1: DEVELOP A STRONG SPIRITUAL LIFE: this point is very important because sometime ago I received a divine inspiration which is, “the closer you are to God, the farther you are to the devil”. This is very true because God and the devil are opposite so the more involved you are with one the less involved you are with the other one. The bible confirms this by saying that you cant serve two masters, you’ll have to despise one( ) also the bible tells us to draw unto Christ and He’ll draw near to us.
Now, developing a strong spiritual life contributes to you standing firm in this wicked world. One way in which it contributes is that your life becomes a witness to those around you…You may ask how? And I’ll tell you…when those around you (classmates, friends and family) begin to see God’s hand in your life, they’ll want to benefit as well and from there you can lead them to Christ. What I love the most about this is that you don’t even have to say a word and lives are touched…I’ll call this the silent witness.
We’ve dealt with the ‘why’ and some benefits of developing a strong spiritual life and its time to deal with the ‘how’.
A strong spiritual life, like anything worth getting isn’t an overnight affair… takes a lot of effort, commitment, determination and most importantly consistency. The secret behind a strong spiritual life isn’t just the amount of scriptures you know or the hours you pray a week but it’s about setting up a regular and consistent pattern which you take seriously in which you take some time out a day(you can start with 15 mins then build up on it), 7 days a week to pray, worship God and read your bible. I guarantee you that if you can stick to this plan continuously for at least 21 days, there’ll be a significant change in your walk with God and better yet…it will become a part of you overtime.
We’ll continue with this exiting study next week…don’t forget to practice what you’ve learnt so far.
PRAYER; Dear father I ask you to help me take my spiritual development seriously and Lord pls give me the grace and strength it takes to stand strong in this corrupt world…In Jesus name…Amen. GOD BLESS YOU.
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