By Joshua.O Areogun
Welcome to yet another edition of insight, a weekly write-up for teenagers and young adults for the purpose of enlightening teens on God’s plan for their lives and also to help them handle various situations they go through everyday. At insight we believe that even though kids might be the future, teens are the immediate future, so I strongly believe that teens of whatever age or class should take themselves serious. God bless you as you read.
This week, we’re going to be looking at the topic ‘developing yourself mentally for God”. Have you ever wondered why God chose some people to write in the bible…well, believe it or not it was not just because they had the anointing or were perfect but because they took their mental development seriously e.g. Moses and Paul. You might ask, “what does this have to do with me? That’s what we’ll be looking at this week.
As Christians, we represent Christ on earth and to the world, and as we saw last week, God wants us as his children and representatives to be the best wherever we find ourselves. Now, we can’t achieve this on a spiritual basis alone but we must also build our intellect and use it for God.
We can build ourselves for Christ by taking our schoolwork serious and also asking God for grace he has given us to understand better than our teachers….Psalm 119:99-100 says,
99 I have more understanding than all my teachers: for thy testimonies are my meditation.
100 I understand more than the ancients, because I keep thy precepts.
So as we can see, the grace for us to mentally excel is staring us in the face…imagine what God could do if the best doctors, computer programmers, engineers, politicians and lawyers were Christians...The influence God would have would be great.
When we as Christians develop ourselves, God will be able to work through us to a larger extent than an illiterate who can’t read or write. When we develop ourselves, God will be able to use us in more places, and bring about more things through us….imagine a christian doctor whom God shows the cure for aids? Or a Christian senator who would stand up for the truth and make sure corruption is eradicated or an engineer whom God uses to solve the energy crisis or to find a new means of propagating the gospel far and near…can you see the amount of things God can do through you and I when we take ourselves seriously? These things were reserved for us as Christians. Studies have shown that most of the world’s greatest and celebrated scientists and inventors were Christians…this might be shocking but it’s true. Like it’s written in the bible, that we’ll lend to many nations and need not borrow from them, it’s also written in the bible that kings and world leaders will come to us…now if this is to be so it means we must have attained a level of self development because there are important roles on a global scale that only those who are adequately equipped for it can play.
Having said all these things, we can then see that there’s a height that God has intended for us as Christians so that he can work through us to full effect...just imagine 10 genuine tongue talking senators or governors, imagine the massive influence God will have in such a country. So we must develop ourselves mentally as well as spiritually in order to reach the height God has predestined for us.
Next week we’ll deal with the greatest enemy of Christians who have developed themselves both mentally and spiritually.
PRAYER; Dear father I ask that you’ll give me your grace and the strength and passion to develop myself both spiritually and mentally for your service. In Jesus name. Amen
NOTE; declare Deut 28;13 and Psalm 119;99&100 at least twice a day.GOD BLESS YOU.
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