Saturday, 9 January 2010


aBy Joshua.O Areogun


Welcome to yet another edition of insight, a weekly write-up for teenagers for the purpose of enlightening teens on God’s plan for their lives and also to help them handle various situations they go through everyday. At insight we believe that even though kids might be the future, teens are the immediate future, so I strongly believe that teens of whatever age or class should take themselves serious. God bless you as you read.

Our topic this week is “priority” I personally believe that most teenage problems whether academic or private are usually because of wrong priorities. Getting our priorities right would turn out to be one of your best decisions yet. Let me tell you a story that illustrates this well.

There was a teacher, who gave his students one glass jar each with a cup of sand, a cup of small stones and 6 large stones and told them to fill the jar with the items. The students began to fill their jars right away using different methods but none of their methods worked. This was because they all tried to put the sand in the jar first. When the teacher sees that none of them got it He decided to tell them the trick behind it. The trick was to put the big stones first then put the small stones next so that the small stones fill up the space between the big stones. Then he put the sand next so that it filled up the space between the small and big stones and guess what? He was able to fill the jar without anything left. The students were all like “ooh”. So what I’m trying to say is that this story shows us something about priority. The jars represent our lives, the large stones represent God, our family and our spiritual lives. The small stones represent our academics, goals in life. The sand represents soccer, ‘rep’, parties and basketball. When we put the big things like God first, our goals and academics will be taken care of and also stuff like soccer, rep, fun etc.

It’s just like what Jesus said in Matt 6:33; seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things (goals, friends, soccer) shall be added unto you. So therefore if we put God first in every thing we do, then all these things such as soccer, games, success will be added unto us.


PRAYER; Lord please help me to put you first in my life and also help me to set my priorities right. In Jesus name. Amen. GOD BLESS YOU


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