Monday, 22 November 2010

Insight #33


This week we’ll continue our study on fighting as a Christian by looking at how to guard one of the greatest tools God has ever given man to use in his stay on earth to overcome anything. This is the mind of Christ. This week we’ll begin on a journey to see how the devil tries to rob you of that tool by blinding you to it, corrupting your mind and other devices he would employ. God bless you as you read.

The devil is extremely cunning, I’m telling you this so that you’ll know that you can’t outsmart him with your own wits, but you need divine wisdom. Let’s look at one of the basic ways he tries to stop you from using the mind of Christ. This is through blinding you to the fact that God has a special provision for you to use to dominate on the earth. He does this by using all sorts of difficulties and hardships to blind you to the fact that you’re worth something. For example, a student who keeps on failing an exam over and over again. Such a student is likely to feel that God can’t help him in that course, and for as long as he thinks so, he’ll never realize that the mind of Christ has been made available to him, if only he’ll just activate it. This tactic is usually common in young converts and weak Christians but if you’re suffering from this you need to start putting God’s word in your heart and mouth. You must also realize that there’s nothing too difficult for God to handle. Once you’ve done this, the devil’s arrows will bounce off you harmlessly.

Another way the devil tries to stop people from benefitting from the mind of Christ is by corrupting their minds and taking them far away from the place where they can access all that God has for them through the mind of Christ. For teens, this entails bad friends, unholy parties, and lustful activities and so on. This tactic is used mainly used against people who have already activated the mind of Christ and are fully functioning in them. These activities are targeted at diluting the person’s faith by making you spiritually weak. Like we learnt in one of our previous studies, the extent to which you’ve developed your faith and your spirit man that you have will determine how far you can maximize the mind of Christ in you. So basically the devil tries to get you to a place of such spiritual dullness and insensitivity that you can’t utilize the mind of Christ effectively. Some people even get corrupted to the point that their faith level is so low and sometimes, they even backslide. One thing I feel you need to watch out for is bad friends. This is one of the major ways the devil comes at people to weaken their spiritual lives. The bible specifically says in II Corinthians 6:14, “Be not unequally yoked with unbelievers.” This doesn’t only apply to marriage or such relationships. It also applies to friendships. It is extremely important that you guard yourself in that area properly. The scripture we just looked at goes on to say in verse 16;

16) And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? For ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk with them; and I will be their God and they shall be my people.

17) Wherefore come out from among them and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.

As we can see our friendships are extremely important when it comes to keeping our spiritual life safe and strong. As we just saw, we need to separate ourselves from bad friends so that God can dwell in us and allow our “mind of Christ” to function as it should.

You must remember to keep away from bad friends and continue to put God’s word in your heart, mind and mouth in order to keep your faith strong and the mind of Christ in you working as it should. Join us next week. GOD BLESS YOU.

Prayer: Dear father, please help me to keep your word in your mouth and heart, Lord help me to see the wrong friends I have in my life and to disconnect form them. In Jesus’ name amen.

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